Nome sânscrito: Muladhara
Significado: raiz ou suporte
Localização: entre o ânus e os órgãos genitais
Mantra: LAM
Cores associadas: vermelho
Função: sobrevivência, necessidades físicas
Glândula correspondente: supra-renal
Órgão correspondente: ossos, estrutura esquelética, orifícios externos de excreção (recto, ânus, uretra)
Disfunção física: osteoartrite, hemorróidas, fissuras rectais
Disfunção emocional: letargia mental, cabeça no ar, incapacidade de estar tranquilo
Alimento correspondente: proteínas, carne
Elemento: terra
Planeta: Saturno
Signo: Capricórnio
Sentido: olfacto
Aromaterapia: Cedro, Mirra, Patchouli
Cristais: Hematite, Olho-de-Tigre, Bloodstone
Essências Florais: Waratah, Red Lily, Bush Iris, Lírio Real, Pepo, Pomegranate,Aggression-orchid
Animal: elefante
Arquétipo: vítima
Lição a aprender: defesa
Idade de manifestação: 1 – 8 anos
1st Chakra
Sanskrit name: Muladhara
Meaning: root or support
Location: between the anus and genitals
Mantra: LAM
Associated colors: red
Function: survival, physical needs
Corresponding gland: adrenal
Corresponding organ: bone, skeletal structure, the outer holes of excretion (rectum, anus, urethra)
Physical dysfunction: osteoarthritis, hemorrhoids, rectal fissures
Emotional dysfunction: mental lethargy, head in the air, inability to be quiet
Food Match: protein, meat
Element: Earth
Planet: Saturn
Zodiac: Capricorn
Sense: smell
Aromatherapy: Cedarwood, Myrrh, Patchouli
Crystals: Hematite, Tiger-Eye, Bloodstone
Flower Essences: Waratah, Red Lily, Bush Iris, Royal Lily, Pepo, Pomegranate,Aggression-orchid
Animal: Elephant
Archetype: victim
Lesson to learn: defense
Age of manifestation: 1 - 8 years
Sanskrit name: Muladhara
Meaning: root or support
Location: between the anus and genitals
Mantra: LAM
Associated colors: red
Function: survival, physical needs
Corresponding gland: adrenal
Corresponding organ: bone, skeletal structure, the outer holes of excretion (rectum, anus, urethra)
Physical dysfunction: osteoarthritis, hemorrhoids, rectal fissures
Emotional dysfunction: mental lethargy, head in the air, inability to be quiet
Food Match: protein, meat
Element: Earth
Planet: Saturn
Zodiac: Capricorn
Sense: smell
Aromatherapy: Cedarwood, Myrrh, Patchouli
Crystals: Hematite, Tiger-Eye, Bloodstone
Flower Essences: Waratah, Red Lily, Bush Iris, Royal Lily, Pepo, Pomegranate,Aggression-orchid
Animal: Elephant
Archetype: victim
Lesson to learn: defense
Age of manifestation: 1 - 8 years
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