Cura Quântica
O termo de Cura Quântica, é inspirado nas ultimas descobertas da Física Quântica.
Os “quanta” são as mais ínfimas partículas ( conhecidas), de energia existentes no Universo, elas são partículas e são energia, e comportam-se de forma inteligente, transpondo os limites da barreira : espaço / tempo.
Os princípios da Física Quântica levam-nos a um conceito absolutamente novo, a um Paradigma Multidimensional sem limites, onde não há barreiras nem certezas, num infinito Oceano Cósmico, que é um Multidimensional campo de potencialidades.
O Cosmos é energia pura, a origem de tudo, e esta energia manifesta-se de inúmeras formas, cada uma delas como expressão dessa energia original, quer sejam formas humanas, animais, vegetais, minerais, etc...
A energia Universal é criadora de tudo o que existe e está sempre em movimento, através de ondas de possibilidades energéticas que se vão manifestar em diversos níveis energéticos, ou seja, desde o nível da realidade física à realidade causal, num oceano cósmico de energia.
Cada ser humano é, então, uma manifestação energética do Universo, que utiliza a energia Universal, e a movimenta, continuamente.
Nesse vastíssimo campo ou oceano energético, tudo se relaciona com tudo, campo esse, do qual nós também fazemos parte.
Na verdade, nós somos apenas uma partícula desse imenso Oceano, partícula essa que se traduz num composto quântico, porque a nossa matéria orgânica é constituída por matéria energética : quantas, átomos, e moléculas, que são a base de toda a estrutura física do nosso ser.
Quantum Healing
The Quantum Healing is a system of "Energy Healing", which uses the universal energy as a means of personal healing, allowing the restoration of energy balance of the person.
The term Quantum Healing, is inspired by the latest discoveries of quantum physics.
The "quanta" are the smallest particles (known) energy existing in the universe, they are particles and energy, and behave in an intelligent way, crossing the boundaries of the barrier: space / time.
The principles of quantum physics lead us to a totally new concept, a paradigm, without limits, where there are no barriers or certainties, an infinite Cosmic Ocean, which is a multidimensional field potentials.
The Cosmos is pure energy, the origin of everything, and this energy manifests itself in many forms, each as a unique expression of that energy, whether human forms, animals, plants, minerals, etc ...
Universal Energy is the creator of all that exists and is always in motion, through waves of energy potential that will manifest in different energy levels, ie from the level of physical reality to the causal reality, a cosmic ocean of energy.
Every human being is then an energetic manifestation of the Universe, which uses the Universal energy and moves continuously.
In this vast field or ocean energy, everything relates to everything this country, of which we are also part.
In fact, we're just a particle of this vast ocean, the particle which results in a composite quantum because our organic matter consists of energy issues: how many atoms and molecules, which are the basis of the entire physical structure of our being.
The term Quantum Healing, is inspired by the latest discoveries of quantum physics.
The "quanta" are the smallest particles (known) energy existing in the universe, they are particles and energy, and behave in an intelligent way, crossing the boundaries of the barrier: space / time.
The principles of quantum physics lead us to a totally new concept, a paradigm, without limits, where there are no barriers or certainties, an infinite Cosmic Ocean, which is a multidimensional field potentials.
The Cosmos is pure energy, the origin of everything, and this energy manifests itself in many forms, each as a unique expression of that energy, whether human forms, animals, plants, minerals, etc ...
Universal Energy is the creator of all that exists and is always in motion, through waves of energy potential that will manifest in different energy levels, ie from the level of physical reality to the causal reality, a cosmic ocean of energy.
Every human being is then an energetic manifestation of the Universe, which uses the Universal energy and moves continuously.
In this vast field or ocean energy, everything relates to everything this country, of which we are also part.
In fact, we're just a particle of this vast ocean, the particle which results in a composite quantum because our organic matter consists of energy issues: how many atoms and molecules, which are the basis of the entire physical structure of our being.
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